As a White Van Man (WVM) it’s important to keep the team and myself looking our best, having a well-dressed team not only creates a great first impression but it also builds a sense of comradery which in turn keeps morale high on these cold wintery days.   

Like most WVM I often get asked for fashion advice and some of you might have been to one of my sell-out talks in Paris, Milan or Worle however if you haven’t then I have two top tips, use stripes to enhance your shape and contrast to spotlight your best features.

As tradesmen, we wear high visibility jackets with reflective stripes, as well as being a useful safety garment they are also perfect for staff that are vertically challenged and horizontally gifted as the vertical stripes give an impression of height which in turn makes someone look thinner.

Stripes are also useful if you want to draw attention to your best assets, for example, if you have a party coming up and would like to draw attention to your fantastic hips then ensure your stripes are running horizontally, keep the stripes narrow to be more effective.

Now be careful with using contrast in your fashion it’s easy to get it wrong, for example, the other day one of my chaps made the fatal mistake of turning up to work wearing tan coloured work boots which clashed horribly with his orange high visibility jacket.  Belt buckles and necklaces are a great way to create contrast in a subtle yet effective way.

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Disclaimer:  This has been written for entertainment purposes only, if you need fashion advice you should speak to a stylist and not a White Van Man, Green Van Man or any other coloured van man or me.